
System Info

System Resourses

  • CPU - Load, Temperature, Clock rate, Powers, Voltages
  • GPU - Load, Temperature, Clock rate, Powers, Voltages
  • RAM - Load, Capacity
  • Storage - Capacity
  • Network - Download / Upload speed

After clicking on the item, the details
will appear again in the right column.

The new floating system monitor allows you to easily glance at important hardware information.

The floating system monitor window is
on by default but can be turned off here.

Click on it to call up the L3 main software
to the upper level of the window.

Background Transparency Toggle Button

Temporarily close the window button,
it will appear again when you restart
the L3 main software.

Preset monitor grid.
Can be customized.


Drag the edge to zoom in & out

Fan/Pump Profile

Fan-Pump ProfileSL 2

Fan Profile
Customise 8 types of fan
curves to apply settings.

Double click to name the custom curve

The set CPU or GPU temperature
is shown on the chart as a dynamic
vertical green line.

Customized Markers Mode
5 markers to drag the speed
and temperature conditions.

Fixed Speed Mode

Drag the point to set the temperature
and the percentage of RPM.

Select the point and type in the box
to set the temperature and the percentage of RPM.

Apply fan speed settings
to the selected group of fans.

Apply fan speed settings
to all the fans connected
to the selected controller.

Reset to default settings.

The fan speed in the diagram
will change according to the fan size.

Fan-Pump Profile-SL-Fixed

Start/ Stop Mode
(Only support fans with this function)
On: The fan will start spinning when reaching the
temperature of the 1st marker.
Off: The fan will always be operating.

Green point 
Start/ Stop mode is applied to the set of fan.

Red line
To prevent component damage,
the start temperature must be set below 50 °C.

Fan-Pump ProfileSL-INF-Start-Stop 2

Start/ Stop Mode
(Only support fans with this function)
On: The fan will start spinning when reaching the
temperature of the 1st marker.
Off: The fan will always be operating.

Green point 
Start/ Stop mode is applied to the set of fan.

Red line
To prevent component damage,
the start temperature must be set below 50 °C.

The fan speed in the diagram
will change according to the fan size.


Pass fan speed control to the motherboard.
Note: Please set the corresponding fan header as PWM mode.

The fan speed settings in the software
won't be applicable when the
motherboard RPM sync is on.

Quick Sync Lighting

Apply lighting effects across all devices with in one page, or sync all via motherboard software.

Motherboard Lighting Sync
Pass the lighting effects control
to the motherboard software

Export: Save all the set values.
Import: Import all the set values
in L-Connect 3.
After importing the data,
please click [ Apply ]
to activate the settings.

Turn on/off the hints.

The lighting effects settings in the software
won't be applicable when the motherboard
lighting sync is on.

Independent Fan Utility

Fan lighting effects settings demo with SL-INF.

SL Infinity Lighting Page03
Controller Tab

Turn on/off the hints.

Export: Save all the set values.
Import: Import all the set values
in L-Connect 3.
After importing the data,
please click [ Apply ]
to activate the settings.

Green point
Start/ Stop mode is applied to the set of fan.

Status of the fan group

  • Connected controller (UNI HUB)
    port number
  • The name of the group of fans
    (double click to define the name)
  • The current fan speed
  • The current lighting effect

The fan can select the lighting effects
in combined mode or separately
with the fan blade and the fan frame.

Custom the color of the selected palette.


  1. Customise each color
    (settings will be saved when changing)
  2. Select to fill the color in the box.

Fill in the box to set the LED color.
The box number depends on the lighting effect.

Fill in all boxes with the same selected color.
Restore to the default palette.

Set the running speed of the light effect.

Set the light effect brightness,
set 0% to turn off light.

Set the direction of the lighting effect.

AL Fan Lighting Page –02

Merge Lighting Effects
Select the lighting effects with the merge icon.
The merge mode can merge all the fans connecting to the same
controller and create consistent lighting effects.
On: Lighting effects run through all the fans
Off: Lighting effects run through each fan cluster respectively

Able to respectively set the fan speed
of each fan cluster when [Merge] is on.

GA II Trinity

Redefine your style.Maximize your performance.

The preview animation of Trinity's lighting effects.

Status - displays the current CPU temperature,
Trinity RPM, and lighting effect status.

Style -switch three different Trinity appearance effects,
which are displayed in the preview animation.

Trinity radiator fan and water block pump speed settings.
Select the speed mode. Press the gear icon to edit the detailed settings for that mode.

Trinity water block lighting effect settings.
Modes available: Inner and outer ring combined, Inner ring only + Outer ring only.

Dazzle Mode Style

trinity-Dazzle Mode

Dual-Infinity Style


Sink Hole STYLE

trinity-Sink Hole

Preview animation of RGB devices such as external light strips.

When Sync Trinity RGB is disabled,
you can set the number of LED bulbs
for infinite looping of lighting effects.

When Sync Trinity RGB is enabled,
the lighting effects of external light strips
or RGB devices are synchronized
with the lighting effects of Trinity water block.

When "Sync Trinity RGB" is enabled,
you can set the number of fans for the radiator.
Options include 240mm or 360mm.

GALAHAD II Trinity RGB (GA II Trinity R)
version features an RGB fan
lighting effect animation preview.

GALAHAD II Trinity Performance
Edition fan/Pump speed settings.

Click to edit the radiator fan speed settings.

The devices is GALAHAD II Trinity Performance.

Click to edit the pump speed settings.

Trinity Performance Edition pump has four speed modes:
Quiet, StdSP, and HighSP are manually adjustable fixed speed modes.
PWM is fully automatic and cannot be manually set for speed.

You can manually enter the pump speed value or manually drag the speed node below.

The devices is GALAHAD II Trinity RGB.

Click to edit the pump speed settings.

Trinity RGB Edition pump has two speed modes:
FixRPM is manually adjustable fixed speed modes.
PWM is fully automatic and cannot be manually set for speed.

You can manually enter the pump speed value
or manually drag the speed node below.

Strimer Plus

Double-click to define the name.

has 6 channels of LEDs
(each channel with 2 diffusers)

has 6 channels of LEDs
(each channel with 2 diffusers)

has 4 channels of LEDs
(each channel with 2 diffusers)

Combined Mode
Use the combined lighting effects.

Individual Mode
Can individually set the lighting effect
to each LED channel

Clear all selection

Select all the LED channels

The target LED channel and lighting effects
Select 01~06 as the target LED channel,
able to multi-select to set the lighting effect
at the same time.
Click [Apply] to activate the settings



On: Run L-Connect 3 automatically on system reboot.
Off: Manually start L-Connect 3 on every system reboot.

On: L-Connect 3 minimize to taskbar when close.
Off: Exit L-Connect3 when close.

English / Français / Deutsch / español / 简体中文 / 繁體中文

Temperature display
Celsius / Fahrenheit

Setting - Device V2

Identify the device
Selected device will blink.
Name your device
Suggest naming with position.
e.g. top, front, back.

Fan quantity
Set each set of fan cluster quantity.

Reorder Fan Cluster
Drag the group of fans with
green arrow to switch order for
the merge lighting effects.
(Hardware needs to support this function)


Check the software /
firmware controller version and update /
review version manually.

Auto notification for Update
On: Will notify when there is an updated version of software and firmware.
Off: Manually check the updated version of software and firmware.

Software and firmware window alerts for updates,
click to update the latest software and firmware.

After checking, please click to download

After the update is complete, please restart your computer to finish the update.

Merge Effect Fan Installation Advice

Users can merge all the fans connecting to the same controller and create consistent lighting effects. 
Recommend to install as bellow direction to achieve complete lighting effects.

  1. Mount the fans clockwise:
    Recommend mounting the clusters of fans port header in the clockwise order.

SL V2 Merge


SL/AL Merge

  1. Make sure the order of each cluster of fans is following the order of the lighting effects ( L-Connect 3 > Settings > Devices).
    The lighting effects go as 1st >2nd > 3rd > 4th.
    New fans (with green arrow), such as SL V2 supports drag to sort the order. Click apply to set.
Setting - Device V2

Tutorial of Galahad II LCD on L-Connect 3

Click on the detected GA II LCD


Once the GA II LCD is installed, the L-Connect 3 software will automatically detect the hardware. Please click on the 'GA II LCD' option in the left-hand menu to access the control interface.

Click on the detected GA II LCD

GA II LCD - Screen Page Introduction (To control the LCD screen display)

Double-click to edit the screen name.

Tabs settings for screen LCD, 2 sides LED strips, and fan lighting

Rotate: Only apply on the hardware. Rotate the display image on screen to match the build. Rotates 90° on each click.

Quick Fan Speed Adjustment Menu

LCD Screen Brightness Adjustment

Quick pump motor speed Adjustment Menu

Select personalized LCD Screen theme

Effect personalized settings: Each theme has different setting options

Access 'FAN/Pump Profile' page to customize fan speed with the real-time curve in the adjustment menu.

Display an image or video on GA II LCD Screen

Select the theme - Image Video

  • Library of image or video that is saved in software, able to switch
    or delete anytime.
  • Able to filter by type of materials for quick access.
  • Add a material to the library
  • Select the material type 

The default size for the image capture box is 480x480 pixels.
Do not crop the image to less than 480x480 pixels to avoid
insufficient resolution.

  • Drag to resize the capture area. The smallest size is 480x480 pixels (optimal resolution for the LCD screen)
  • Drag to move the capture position.
  • Save capture
  • Import the captured image directly (without edits) to L-Connect 3 material library. 
  • Edit the selected material with the advanced editing tool
  • Rotate Image: Rotate right 90° or left 90° on each click.
  • Filp Image: Filp horizontally or vertically

Select the theme - Image Video

  • Library of image or video that is saved in software, able to switch
    or delete anytime.
  • Able to filter by type of materials for quick access.
  • Add a material to the library
  • Select the material type
  • The default size for the capture box is 480x480 pixels. Do not crop the image to less than 480x480 pixels to avoid insufficient resolution.
  • Record Video
  • Unable to click without a video data 
  • Video recording done
  • The maximum recording time is 3 minutes, and when recording is paused, the timecode in this section also pauses.
  • Able to drag and resize the capture area.
    The software will automatically encode to fit the optimal hardware resolution - 480 x 480 pixels.
  • Exit editing window: Stop recording and get back to L-Connect 3 interface
  • Play Video
  • Current Timeline / Total Video Length
  • Playback Speed
  • Set Playback Speed: 3 options - 1×/2×/3×
  • Timeline: Drag the point to navigate to the time 
  • Drag to resize the capture area. The smallest size is 480x480 pixels (optimal resolution for the LCD screen)
  • Drag to resize the capture area. The smallest size is 480x480 pixels (optimal resolution for the LCD screen)
  • Drag to move the capture position.
  • Play or drag timeline and check the timeline to record
  • Drag the timeline to the start recording time
  • When video is on pause, the video will start playing and recording as clicking 'Rec'.
  • When video is playing, will record the video when clicking 'Rec' as well 
  • Click 'Rec Pause' to stop recording, will pause the video playing at the same time
  • Red box - Screen recording 
  • This button clears the currently recorded data and resets the time to zero.
  • Timer: Show the time let has recorded
  • Able to move the capture area box, but not able to resize the box
  • Click 'Rec' again to continue recording and playing
  • Timer continues to run when clicking recording
  • Video done: Able to go to next step during recording or stop recording.
  • Cancel: Start over the recording and go back to the capture tool
  • Import: Import the video to L-Connect 3
  • Loading in progress: Video is converting to the optimal resolution for the LCD screen.
  • Video imported in the material libaray.
  • Select text type: Slider Sensor for one hardware info/ Duo Sensor for 2 hardware info at same time/ Time/ Custom Text
  • Select the material type and upload a GIF image
  • 選擇後於電腦上傳Gif檔案
  • Able to add Time or other sensor on screen for GIF file as well

GA II LCD Screen Page - Offering many effects to display on screen with the hardware info.

Multiple built-in effects are available, and these can also be combined with preferred images or clock effects.
There are currently two pages of effects that can be switched between.

Raining Effect

Add a image

Raining Effect

Add a image

Raining Effect

Select upload an image or screen capture a background

Image crop done

Rain Effect

Static Mode: Manually set the effect intensity.
Dynamic Mode: The intensity adjusted by the monitored hardware info

Set the sensor of the intensity: 
Able to set the value for different level of intensity to visualize the change of the info

Rain Effect

Select the 'Time' type display

Raining Effect

Set the details layout of the set type

Set the color of the words:
First block - Date color
Second Block - Time color
Third Block - AM/FM color

Set the font type: 5 options

Set the font: 5 options

Align to the top/ middle / bottom

Align to the left / middle /right

Content align to the left / center/ right

Set the shadow level: The higher the value, the more visible of the shadow is

Raining Effect

Set the Type of the text

Select Fly in wording effect

Type the text in each line, and the effect will progressively split and reassemble the image for each line of text, with colors displayed randomly.

Set the background color

Set the background image

Full screen LIAN LI logo clock

Set the color for the effect

GA II LCD - Screen LED Page Introduction (To control the LED light strips on both sides of the LCD screen)

Lighting effect default set as 'Rainbow'

LED lighting effect personalized settings.

LED strips at two side of the screen lighting effect setting page.

Select within the 17 built-in lighting effects, each lighting effect can be further personalized.

GA II LCD - Fan LED Page Introduction (To control fan lighting effects)

On: Sync the lighting effect with Sync Screen LED
OFF: Set lighting effect respectively

Lighting effect personalized settings

Fan lighting effect settings page

Select within the 6 built-in lighting effect, each lighting effect can be further personalized.

Select the type of device that is connected. Selecting the wrong device may result in some fans not lighting up.

On: Sync the lighting effect with Sync Screen LED
OFF: Set lighting effect respectively

Lighting effect personalized settings.

Fan lighting effect settings page

Select within the 6 built-in lighting effect, each lighting effect can be further personalized.

Set the connected LED number (including the non-LIAN LI devices): Drag the point or fill the number in box.
Supports in a maximum of 50 LEDs

TL Series

Please note the following before set up:

Version 2.0.18 for TL LCD, new screen correction setting function, at present only support single controller, dual-controller users please wait for the next version of the update before use. If you haven't calibrated TL LCD, you will enter the 【 TL LCD Screen Correction Setting 】 page automatically after opening the software.

TL LCD Screen Correction Setting

TL LCD position sequence detected by software

Click the icon. The hardware light in that port
will flash Blink white for 3 seconds.
This allows the user to confirm that the port
location matches the software detection.

Check whether the actual connected controller
interface is consistent with the interface 3
displayed on the software. If not, please follow
the hardware and drag the digital icon of the
software to the correct interface.

Confirm that the numbers on the hardware are
consistent with those on the software.
If not, follow the hardware display and drag
the digital icons in the software to the correct

If you click the software icon at the flashing
white light, but the hardware does not flash,

Please confirm
1. The TL controller firmware has been updated to version 0.62
2. The motherboard lighting synchronization function in the software has been turned off

If you click the software icon at the flashing
white light, but the hardware does not flash,

Please confirm
1. The TL controller firmware has been updated to version 0.62
2. The motherboard lighting synchronization function in the software has been turned off

Please use your mouse to drag the digital icon
in the software to the correct position that
matches the hardware.

After confirming that the numerical order displayed by the
software and hardware is consistent, be sure to click Apply to
complete the correction.

To confirm the completion of the setup, click [ TL Fan Utility ] to use
the full functionality of the TL fans.

We recommend that you go to [Device] in [Settings] to
categorize the TL fans into groups to set up the lighting effects.

Once the TL Series fans are installed, the L-Connect 3 software will automatically detect the hardware. After confirming that the TL series fans have appeared in the software menu, we recommend that you go to [Device] in [Settings] to categorize the TL fans into groups to set up the lighting effects. 

TL Series Products - Device Setup Page Description

Go to [Device] in [Setttings] to categorize the TL products into groups for setting the lighting effects.

TL Controller List

The first of four ports in the TL controller.

Total number of fans in series

Tap the number of fans assigned

4 groups can be assigned inside the port, and each group can be set with different light effects.

Click on this button to turn on the group/single fan direction switching. or two side light bars

To change the direction of the Port's light flow, you need to press the Apply button.

To change the direction of the Group's light flow, you need to press the Apply button.

To change the direction of the single fan's light flow,
you need to press the Apply button.

These two buttons for the test confirmation function,
click it without APPLY, group the corresponding
hardware fan (single-side light bar), will run the
meteor light (blue) three times to restore the original
light effect, and the icon is restored to unchecked.

Group name can be set here within 12 characters.

Redetecting the connection fan function

When the name is TL LCD, this port connection
recognizes a TL LCD fan.

Up to three TL LCD fans per port

TL LCD fan allows only one group per connector.

A TL controller supports up to 16 fans, of which TL LCD supports up to 6.

To apply the changes made on the page to the hardware, you need to
click the Apply button to confirm the implementation.

TL Series fan profile

Fan Profile
Customise 8 types of fan
curves to apply settings.

Double click to name the custom curve

The set CPU or GPU temperature
is shown on the chart as a dynamic
vertical green line.

Customized Markers Mode
5 markers to drag the speed
and temperature conditions.

Fixed Speed Mode

Drag the point to set the temperature
and the percentage of RPM.

Select the point and type in the box
to set the temperature and the percentage of RPM.

Apply fan speed settings
to the selected group of fans.

Apply fan speed settings
to all the fans connected
to the selected controller.

Reset to default settings.

This will display the detected controllers.

When the synchronised motherboard is turned on,
the software's fan settings will be unchangeable.

TL Fan Utility - Fan Profile

Here you can customise the port name to make it easier to remember.

This sub-menu provides a drop-down quick setting of the fan speed.

This button is a link to the TL FAN profile page advanced settings.

Tap to apply the wind speed settings of the selected group to other groups in this Port.

TL Fan Utility - Lighting Effects

Re-configure fan grouping settings by connecting to the DEVICE page.

Fan up and down light bar integrated setting

This will display the detected controllers.

Current lighting designation of the upper and
lower light bars of the fan

Recover the currently selected light effects to the
official defaults and apply them immediately.

Currently selected lighting effects can be applied
across controllers, ports / groups / single fans.

After setting the light effect, please click the Apply button
to apply it to the hardware.

Interaction of all lighting effects within
a single set of controllers
(Introduced in 2014)

After setup, please click the Apply button
to apply the hardware.

When the switch is blue, it means it is selected.
When the controller is selected, the following
ports and groups are selected.

When the port is selected, the following
 groups are selected.

When the Merge option is turned on, the menu
will automatically filter for lighting effects that
support the merge effect.

When Merge Lighting is applied, all the lights
in a group of controllers will be integrated
together for interactive display across groups.

When Merge is in effect, this button copies and
synchronizes the settings of one controller to
multiple controllers.

Sync only appears in single-sided mode. Turning on
Sync means that the upper and lower lightbars are
synchronized, and the selected blue single-sided
setting is used as the primary setting.

As shown in the figure, turn on Merge, which means
all the uplight bars of this controller will be integrated
with cross-group interaction.

In the light setting menu, when you click on a single fan,
you can set the light of that single fan. 

After APPLY, that single fan is set to the specified light
effect, and the otherfans will be ungrouped and changed
to the default rainbow light effect.

This menu shows the lighting settings of the
three single fans in order from left to right.

The light effect setting of a single fan can be copied
to other fans in the same group by clicking the copy
button below.

Click the corresponding Paste button and
the light effect will be pasted immediately.

TL Fan Utility - LCD Screen

The LCD screen can be set to display JPG/PNG/GIF/MP4/Sensor/Animation files,
which will be directly imported to the full screen at the initial
stage, and video editing/photo editing functions will be
introduced in 2024.

Sensor/Animation is a built-in function,
no new material can be added.

Provides the setting of picture/GIF/video/sensor/
built-in animation for the LCD screen.

LCD Screen grouped display

The material category menu, below the material
according to the selection, presenting the
existing files of the type.

The blue box indicates the selection status, then click
the right material to change the material in the database.

Click on the red x icon to delete the clip
when the mouse overrides it.

Synchronize the content of the screen selected
in the blue box to the other screens in the group.

Import materials from computer files
to the database.

After clicking, turn the screen 90 degrees
to the left each time to adjust the orientation
of the screen's hardware.

Confirm the position of the fan wiring.

Please rotate the grouping direction according
to the wiring direction of the fan on the chassis.

After confirming the screen orientation in the previous step,
you can select the GROUP button to group the screens into
2 screens or 3 screens.

Set the screens in the group, and the uploaded pictures
or videos will be displayed across the screens.

  • Select the material type 

Selectable display of CPU/GPU information
and fan speed setting display

Built-in multiple styles to choose from,
and you can set the main color and text color.

Selectable display of CPU/GPU information
and fan speed setting display

Built-in multiple styles to choose from,
and you can set the main color and text color.

When detecting and setting 3 LCD fans in parallel,
you can select the cross-screen animation effect to
view the cross-screen effect.

The LCD screen can be set to display JPG/PNG/GIF/MP4 files,
which will be directly imported to the full screen at the initial
stage, and video editing/photo editing functions will be
introduced in 2024.

Sensor/Animation is a built-in function,
no new material can be added.

HydroShift LCD

Once the HydroShift LCD is installed, the L-Connect 3 software will automatically detect the hardware. Please click on the 'HydroShift LCD' option in the left-hand menu to access the control interface.

The L-Connect 3 software will automatically detect the hardware.

HydroShift LCD - Screen Page Introduction (To control the LCD screen display)

Double-click to edit the screen name.

Tabs settings for screen LCD,
and fan lighting

Rotate: Only apply on the hardware.
Rotate the display image on screen
to match the build. Rotates 90° on
each click.

Quick Fan Speed Adjustment Menu

LCD Screen Brightness Adjustment

Quick pump motor speed Adjustment Menu

Select personalized LCD Screen theme

Effect personalized settings:
Each theme has different setting options

Access 'FAN/Pump Profile' page to
customize fan speed with the real-time
curve in the adjustment menu.

Style Express" theme function

Tap Style to quickly change the screen theme.

Colour settings, from left to right,
CPU class colour / GPU class colour /
RAM class colour / Clock colour

You can easily customise the display of your favourite videos and images

Select the theme - Image Video

  • Library of image or video that is saved in software.
  • Able to filter by type of materials for quick access.
  • Add a material to the library
  • Option 1: Upload MP4, PNG/JPG and edit the display area/length of the video, GIF (fill screen).
  • Option 2. upload mp4 video without editing / automatically fill the screen after uploading video
  • Capture Screen or Record screen

The default size for the image capture box is 480x480 pixels.
Do not crop the image to less than 480x480 pixels to avoid
insufficient resolution.

  • Drag to resize the capture area. The smallest size is 480x480 pixels (optimal resolution for the LCD screen)
  • Drag to move the capture position.
  • Save capture
  • Import the captured image directly (without edits) to L-Connect 3 material library. 
  • Edit the selected material with the advanced editing tool
  • Rotate Image: Rotate right 90° or left 90° on each click.
  • Filp Image: Filp horizontally or vertically

Select the theme - Image Video

  • Library of image or video that is saved in software.
  • Able to filter by type of materials for quick access.
  • Add a material to the library
  • This option allows you to upload MP4 videos,
    customise the area of the video to be displayed,
    and edit the length of the video.
  • 2. let the video fill the screen without editing.
  • The default size for the capture box is
    480x480 pixels. Do not crop the image
    to less than 480x480 pixels to avoid
    insufficient resolution.
  • Activate video recording and pause
  • Video recording done
  • The maximum recording time is 3 minutes, and when recording is paused, the timecode in this section also pauses.
  • Able to drag and resize the capture area.
    The software will automatically encode to fit the optimal hardware resolution - 480 x 480 pixels.
  • Exit editing window: Stop recording and get back to L-Connect 3 interface
  • Play Video
  • Current Timeline / Total Video Length
  • Playback Speed
  • Set Playback Speed: 3 options - 1×/2×/3×
  • Timeline: Drag the point to navigate to the time 
  • Drag to resize the capture area. The smallest size is 480x480 pixels (optimal resolution for the LCD screen)
  • Drag to resize the capture area. The smallest size is 480x480 pixels (optimal resolution for the LCD screen)
  • Drag to move the capture position.
  • Play or drag timeline and check the timeline to record
  • Drag the timeline to the start recording time
  • When video is on pause, the video will start playing and recording as clicking 'Rec'.
  • When video is playing, will record the video when clicking 'Rec' as well 
  • Click 'Rec Pause' to stop recording, will pause the video playing at the same time
  • Red box - Screen recording 
  • This button clears the currently recorded data and resets the time to zero.
  • Timer: Show the time let has recorded
  • Able to move the capture area box, but not able to resize the box
  • Click 'Rec' again to continue recording and playing
  • Timer continues to run when clicking recording
  • Video done: Able to go to next step during recording or stop recording.
  • Cancel: Start over the recording and go back to the capture tool
  • Import: Import the video to L-Connect 3
  • Loading in progress: Video is converting to the optimal resolution for the LCD screen.
  • Video imported in the material libaray.
  • Customisable colour/font/position within each option
  • Select the material type and upload a GIF image

HydroShift LCD Screen Page - Offering many effects to display on screen with the hardware info.

  • Partial on-screen effects that support
    simultaneous display of 4 hardware
    sensor monitoring

Defaults to sensor monitoring, with customizable
slider items/slider time seconds.

Defaults to sensor monitoring, with customizable
slider items/slider time seconds.

Switchable to clock/customized text display

Defaults to sensor monitoring, with customizable
slider items/slider time seconds.

Defaults to sensor monitoring, with customizable
slider items/slider time seconds.

Defaults to sensor monitoring, with customizable
slider items/slider time seconds.

Defaults to sensor monitoring, with customizable
slider items/slider time seconds.

Raining Effect

Add a image

Raining Effect

Select upload an image or screen capture a background

Image crop done

Rain Effect

Static Mode: Manually set the effect intensity.
Dynamic Mode: The intensity adjusted by the monitored hardware info

Set the sensor of the intensity: 
Able to set the value for different level of intensity to visualize the change of the info

Rain Effect

Select the 'Time' type display