UNI FAN Wireless
Wireless Binding Related
● I plugged every fan onto the MB 12V 4P headers, but it keeps blinking?
● L-Wireless Sync settings page has no device shown.
● Not all of my devices are shown on the L-Wireless Sync settings page.
● Some of my devices have a red icon in the L-Wireless Sync settings page.
● Some of my devices change to white light after several hours.
● The lighting effect is showing a mix of different colors and flickering a lot.
● My Wi-Fi speed is suddenly slow when I’m using LIAN LI wireless products.
● My other non-LIAN LI wireless devices malfunction when I’m using LIAN LI wireless devices.
LCD Related
● My LCD screen keeps flickering, and the LIANLI logo on the screen comes on and off constantly.
● Occasionally, when I reboot the PC, some screen will not have the memory of my previous setting?
● How many UNI FAN SL Wireless LCDs can I connect?
Fan Speed Related
Lighting Related
● I can only use one L-Wireless controller per system?
Wireless Binding Related
I plugged every fan onto the MB 12V 4P headers, but it keeps blinking?
Make sure to go into bios and change the MB fan header to PWM mode.
L-Wireless Sync settings page has no device shown.
Turn on software auto-run on boot in L-Connect 3, and reboot your PC.
Not all of my devices are shown on the L-Wireless Sync settings page.
There are different things you can try: Make sure the fans have sufficient power. You can tell by the lighting on the fans, if they’re blinking white light constantly (when log-in to windows) that means power is insufficient. In this case, use the PWM to SATA adapter cable.
- Re-plug the L-Wireless Controller while L-Connect 3 is open.
- Go to Setting–General–Re-start Service and UI button, and wait for L-Connect 3 to re-open itself.

Some of my devices have a red icon in the L-Wireless Sync settings page.
Follow the steps:
- The red icon indicates the device is previously bind by another L-Wireless controller, you can check to see if the shown controller ID is the same as your local ID.
- Click the light bulb icon on that red icon device to make sure it’s the device you want to use (the device will show yellow light after light bulb icon is clicked).
- If it’s the device you want to use, click refresh to unbind this device before rebinding.
How to check local ID?
In the L-Connect 3 interface, select “L-Wireless Sync Setup” on the left side. You can find the Local Controller ID at the top of the page.

Some of my devices change to white light after several hours.
Follow the steps:
- This means that the device has been unbind due to 2.4G interference. Please re-bind the device.
- Switch to a different 2.4G Channel in L-Connect 3.
The lighting effect is showing a mix of different colors and flickering a lot.

My Wi-Fi speed is suddenly slow when I’m using LIAN LI wireless products.

My other non-LIAN LI wireless devices malfunction when I’m using LIAN LI wireless devices.

LCD Related
My LCD screen keeps flickering, and the LIANLI logo on the screen comes on and off constantly.
- Ensure the fan header on the motherboard that the LCD fan chain is plugged into has sufficient power. You can switch the fan header to PWM in BIOS, or plug the fan to the SATA adapter cable.
- If the issue still persists afterwards, the USB 2.0 9-Pin port the fans are plugged into may have a bad connection. Please try switching to another port.
When I click screen option, the number of LCD shown is incorrect, and one or two of my LCD is missing. All the LCD fans are showing LIAN LI logo, and the correct number of LCDs are detected in Device Manager, but some LCDs are not detected in L-Connect 3.
- Un-bind the channel that has the issue, and re-bind it. And, wait for the screen option to show up again (might take 15 sec)
- If step 1 does not work, click restart LCD, and wait for the LCD restart finish, then try to upload content to the LCD again
- Go to Setting–General–Re-start Service and UI button, and wait for
L-Connect 3 to re-open itself - If all of the above doesn’t work, please re-install Windows.

Shuffle order of the chain, make the black screen to the first of the chain.
When I click screen option, the number of LCD shown is incorrect, and one or two of my LCD is missing. One or two of my LCD fans’ screens are not lit up, and the LCDs are not detected in Device Manager.
- Hot-unplug the entire LCD chain.
- Shuffle the order of the fans, and put the unlit fans to the front of the chain.
- Hot-plug the entire LCD chain back.
Occasionally, when I reboot the PC, some screen will not have the memory of my previous setting?
Follow the steps:
- Make sure that each USB port (internal 2.0 or back io 3.0) on MB only has 6 LCD max if the used usb hub does not have individual power. If the usb hub has individual power, make sure each USB port on MB only has 9 LCD max.
- If step 1 does not improve, then wait for our next version to refine.
How many UNI FAN SL Wireless LCDs can I connect?
- When plugging directly to motherboard USB 2.0 9-pin: 3
- When plugging to motherboard USB 2.0 9-pin with a USB splitter: 6
- When plugging to motherboard USB 2.0 9-pin with a USB splitter that has SATA power: 12
- *One computer supports at most 20 UNI FAN SL Wireless LCDs.
Fan Speed Related
The motherboard BIOS cannot read UNI FAN SL Wireless Series’ fan speed, even if I correctly enable MB RPM SYNC, and make sure that the 4 PIN PWM cable between controller and MB 4 PIN Header is plugged properly.
This issue will be fixed later on through firmware update. As of now, please read the fan speed through L-Connect 3.
Lighting Related
Why can't Strimer Wireless and UNI FAN SL Wireless sync their lighting effects when Quick Sync is set to breathing mode?
If you wish to sync the lighting effects between Strimer Wireless and UNI FAN SL Wireless, please use Quick Sync lighting effects labeled with W*.
When I select MB lighting Sync, there is no change to the LED, and cannot be controlled via motherboard software.
L-Wireless Sync will not support 5v 3p style-sync method, but we are working on 3rd party synchronization i.e. SignalRGB, and plan to update this feature soon.
I can only use one L-Wireless controller per system?
Currently, there’s no support for two L-Wireless controllers per system, but one L-Wireless controller can support up to 10 channels already.
If I want to connect the fan’s power only to the motherboard's PWM port but the power is insufficient.
Please enter the BIOS and set the corresponding fan header to PWM mode, as only PWM mode can stably output 12V power.