L-Connect 3
L-Connect 3
● After the software update, the display of AIO or fan, or TL controller is not recognized.
● L-Connect 3 is using heavy CPU load.
● L-Connect 3 is experiencing issues.
● Just updated to L-Connect 3 from L-Connect 2 or L-Connect 1, L-Connect 3 can't control anything.
● Does L-Connect 3 support STRIMER PLUS?
● How to turn off all the LEDs?
After the software update, the display of AIO or fan, or TL controller is not recognized.
please replug the controller and restart the L-Connect Background Service.
- Unplug the controller
- Setting 🡪 General
- Click Service & software
- Wait about 1min for L-Connect 3 recognizes devices.
- Plug the controller
L-Connect 3 is using heavy CPU load.
We suggest to keep sensor display at a maximum of 3 for UNI FAN TL LCD to reduce CPU usage.
L-Connect 3 is experiencing issues.
Please install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable to enhance compatibility for L-Connect 3 with Windows.
Just updated to L-Connect 3 from L-Connect 2 or L-Connect 1, L-Connect 3 can't control anything.
1. Quit L-Connect 3 App
2. Settings
3. Apps
4. Uninstall L-Connect 3 App
5. Delete L-Connect 3 Folder at C:\Users\computer name\AppData\Roaming\
(For install as Anyone who uses this computer(all users)
6. Delete L-Connect 3 Folder at C:\Users\computer name\AppData\Local\Programs\
(For install as Only for me)
7. Download the new version of L-Connect 3 from https://lian-li.com/l-connect3/
8. Run as Administrator to install L-Connect 3
9. Restart your PC
10. Update all the FW as software recommended, and restart the PC
Can't succesfully sync RGB to motherboard, I have installed a third party software, ex. SignalRGB...
Third party software is conflict to L-Connect 3, which cause uncontrollable issue. Please remove third party software to control with L-Connect 3.
Does L-Connect 3 support STRIMER PLUS?
To recognize STRIMER PLUS in L-Connect 3 requires a new controller, for more information please view STRIMER PLUS V2.
Automation update failed.
If firmware update failed, please try update manually.
Guide for manual update firmware.
How to turn off all the LEDs?
Two ways to turn off:
- Set brightness to 0%.
- Set as black color.